
A Few Tips I've Learned

I just wanted to pass along a few tips I've learned the last couple weeks on more ways to save money. And you probably already do at least one of these things already, but for me, all three of these are brand new and I'm pretty excited about them.

1.) The Oriental Supermarket - This one I owe a big thanks to my sister Cheri. Not only have I been learning how to cook a little bit better (again, thank you Cheri) but now I've found the best deals on vegetables. All kinds of lettuce and spinach (as well as yummy yam leaves), carrots, sprouts, cucumbers, garlic and so much more at great prices! I personally went to Lee Lee's, but I'm sure there's plenty more out there.

2.) The Fruit Market - This thanks goes to Doug. There is a little indoor market on Main just east of Greenfield in Mesa that has THE best prices I have ever seen on fruit. Strawberries are 3 clamshells for $1, blueberries are 2 for $1, grapes 3lbs for $1, blackberries, bananas....you name it, they got it. I noticed most of their vegetables were higher than Lee Lee's as well as some sale prices at grocery stores, and their other items like bread, milk and eggs were high as well, but the fruit was unbeatable. For $10 (or even less) you could load a whole cart full. If you aren't near Mesa, look out for fruit markets in your area - watch for signs on the side of the road to point you in the right direction.

3.) The Library - Now I know this is nothing new. And I've heard from so many people how great it is, I don't know why we don't do it more often! Of course there's books, but the real deal I would say is on their movie library. Redbox and Blockbuster are great, especially with free codes, but at the library, you can rent up to 10 movies at one time and you have a full week to return them. Plus, you can even reserve up to 10 movies on your card so they are waiting for you as soon as someone returns them. Movies at home? I don't think it can get better than that.

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