
Coupon Tips and Tricks - Must Read!

This is a must read if you're just learning how to maximize coupon shopping.

A large portion of coupons are found online, but there are a few things you need to know.

Coupon links only last for a small window of time. So you will need to print coupons as soon as you can even if you're not planning on using them for a little while.

Most coupons can be printed at LEAST twice per computer. Every now and then you'll find one that will let you print 4 or more. The best way to find out? Just try to keep printing! It will let you know when you've reached your maximum print.

The first time you print from particular websites, it will ask you to install the print application. It doesn't take up much room on your hard drive and is completely legit. You'll only need to do this the first time.

Bricks Coupons (web addresses that start with bricks.coupons.com) are the most complicated and the most temperamental. But once you figure it out, you'll be glad you did. They usually offer the most high value coupons you can find.

The first thing you need to know is after installing the printing application, sometimes it will continue to tell you to reset your default printer. Don't worry about it. This is quite common, just keep hitting continue and it will end up going to the print screen.
When I post direct links to bricks, they will be specifically for Safari Web Browsers. They will NOT work on Internet Explorer or FireFox.

They will look something like this:

Notice the "xs&o" part. That will be in EVERY link.
This is this part you will have to change based on your Internet browser.

For Internet Explorer - change to: wi&o
For FireFox - change to: wg&o

So for the above example the link for Internet Explore would like:

And for FireFox:

Also, again, you will want to get a Sunday Paper. There's usually two inserts in each paper. If you don't feel like clipping all the coupons, just set the inserts aside and I will do my best to let you know which one in particular the coupon comes from by indicating the date.

You also want to keep your eye out for "peelies" which are found on food packages throughout the stores, in store coupon booklets and manufacturer display coupons as stores. This is always hit or miss but soon your eye will be trained to find them quickly.

Most grocery stores, Target and Walgreens will put out "store" coupons. These usually have shorter expiration times, however, the trick is to use these stacked with manufacturer coupons and a sale. With those three things, you're sure to score a good deal.

You want to make sure you have your local store "club" cards. I always hated these in the past, but I have now given in because it's the only way to score the good deals.

Fry's card will keep a tally of your purchases and when you reach $100, you'll save 10 cents/gallon of gas. Make it work for you!

For Fry's and Safeway, you will DEFINITELY want to head to Shortcuts.com and Cellfire.com.
These are websites which allow you to directly add coupons onto your personal card. The coupons usually update every 2 weeks and sometimes have over lapping coupons with expiration dates. Pair these with other coupons and you can get even greater deals! It's hard to keep track of what's on your card, so typically, I probably won't include these when figuring out the deals for the week. I just make sure everything's loaded on the card, and more often than not, when I'm at the store, I end up saving even more than I calculated. Someday we can find a better system for this.

Catalina's are coupons that print out at the register once your transaction is complete. Don't forget to wait for it! Typically, when you buy a certain number of a certain product, you'll receive a specified dollar amount off your next order. And sometimes, you can roll your catalina over and over so you can stock up and get the same deal every time you shop.

And last but not least, again, you'll want to set up another email account for the websites that require you to sign up for a weekly email or such. It's worth it, you will rarely need to check it and it will give access to more coupons.

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