
FREE Uni-Ball Pen

I know it sounds funny, but this is really where things start getting fun. Go HERE at 11AM (our time, Mountain Standard). At exactly 11 you will find a form to fill out. Only the first 10,000 for each day will be honored and then the form will be taken down until the next day. (So if you don't get it today, just try again tomorrow and the next day.)

All you do is put in your info and they'll send you a cool new pen!

What's even better? It's one per PERSON, not per household. So if there's more than one of you at home, you can put in different email addresses for each and get a few new pens. Super fun.

Really, going to my mailbox everyday has been fun the last couple of weeks. I never did these free "sample" things until just recently and have now discovered I've been missing out. How easy it is, just 30 seconds of my time and I get something for free!

1 comment:

  1. so, it's 1:30 and the form is still up. we're getting 3! cool!
