
Mega Swagbucks Friday!

It feels like it's been way too long since reminding you that not only it's Friday, but that it's MEGA Swagbucks Friday!

If you haven't yet, sign up for Swagbucks and start earning "bucks" for what you already do online every day: Searching the Internet. (Plus get 30 Swagbucks just for signing up to get started.)

On Fridays, your odds of winning bucks are not only higher, but the amount you can win could be higher as well.

My prize of choice is the $5 Amazon giftcards. Since you can find almost everything you're looking for on Amazon, there's no tax, and often times there's free shipping, it makes the most sense to me. Yesterday in fact, I used $29 of my Amazon giftcards and "bought" 10lb hand weights I've been wanting. FOR FREE!!!!!

The only catch? You have to remember to USE Swagbucks as your search engine. My personal habit is to use google since it's already downloaded onto my toolbar, but I think I've finally broken the habit. (Plus, you can download the Swagbucks toolbar if that will help you remember to use it.)

If you still want to know more, you can read my previous post for more info, or just let me know if you have questions. But it's so fun and so worth it!

Search & Win

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