
Wow. Where Did I Go?

I'm seriously writing this in disbelief right now. I cannot believe I have access to my blog again!!! And I sincerely apologize there was no warning or no explanation. I didn't have any answers myself! One morning, I woke up and logged on to my computer to find that EVERYthing Google related had been blocked on my account. My email, my other blogs, my pictures, my documents...everything. Long story short, after the first day I received access to most of my account. Everything but this particular blog in fact. I had a message saying the google "robots" detected my blog as spam (because of all the links I post) however, since I was reading the message, I probably was a "real" person. So that started a whole verification process...that went on and on and on....... and now.... It's back!

To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous to start writing and working on it again! I also had an email yesterday that made it sound like everything on my blog was deleted...but...HERE it is! So I guess I'll get going!

It has been killing me to not share the deals I've seen the past few weeks! Free (unlimited) Dove Shampoos/Conditioners, Free (unlimited) shaving creams, Free Easter goodies, Peanuts, Granola Bars, Bread, Pasta, Paper Towels, Scrubbing Bubbles....and so much more! Not to mention all the free goodies on Facebook, freebies for Tax Day/Earth Day, free samples.....sheesh! However, if there's one thing I've learned since I started "this" is, that ALL deals come around again.

One last thing, for these 3 weeks of having to wait and find out what is going on with my blog, I had a lot of time to think if I really wanted to continue it. I mean, on one hand, I ABSOLUTELY want to! Like I said, it was killing me to not be able to share all the goodies. However on the other hand, it was taking up a LOT of my time. And with a new marriage, a new house, new....life...I was trying to figure out what would be "best" for me. So I have decided, that, I WILL continue my blog. However, I will be setting side specific hours that I will be posting. (Although, I'm sure there will be a few exceptions.) So although I could probably post stuff off and on all day long, this week I will determine a "schedule" for myself. We'll see how that goes!

So tomorrow it is. We're back on track and saving money. I hope you have all managed to score some great deals this past few weeks and I'm so excited to point you towards more. It'll take a few days to get my feet wet again...but here we go! Check back often as I will start updating SOON! And if you're reading my blog STILL, thank you for not giving up on me!


  1. YES! YOU'RE BACK!!!!

  2. yay!!!!!! so excited! i have lost a lot of money over the past few weeks without your deals! yay, back to more money saving with kellie :)

  3. Yippie! I missed you and your blog!
