
Sales, Coupons and eCoupons

I just wanted to pass along today's small trip to Safeway and truly show you how when you combine all THREE saving methods (sales, coupons and eCoupons), it adds up big time.

2 Nature Valley Granola Bars
3 Poptarts
2 FiberOne Yogurt Packs
60-count Delimex Taquitos

Had I just purchased at regular price: $30.50

If I had just shopped on Sales alone: $21.00 (a 32% savings)

If I used sales with just coupons: $12.25 (a 61% savings)

My total after sales, coupons AND eCoupons: $3.85 (an 87% savings)

  • $.40 printable Nature Valley
  • $.40 newspaper Nature Valley
  • $1.00 eCoupon Nature Valley
  • $.40 eCoupon Nature Valley
  • $1.25/3 PopTart coupon
  • $.75 off Printable FiberOne Yogurt
  • FREE FiberOne Yogurt (mailed to me)
  • (4) $1.00 eCoupon FiberOne Yogurt
  • $2 off newspaper Delimex Coupon
  • $3 eCoupon Delimex

And really, had I NOT purchased the taquitos, my total on the other 7 items would have been NEGATIVE $1.14! However, I had $5 off the sale price (with coupons and eCoupons) and in my house, the boys will definitely eat them so it seemed like a good time to buy.

So all that to say, load up at Cellfire and Shortcuts whenever you can! (the expiration dates often overlap) Combine it with regular coupons (hopefully used at a place where you can double coupons) and only use them when the item is on sale!

****note: I rarely go shopping on Tuesdays without first taking a look at the next week's deals...today I didn't. And of course it was a mistake. The Delimex taquitos are on sale for $6.99 starting tomorrow, so with the $3 eCoupon and the $2 newspaper coupon, I could have gotten them for just $1.99. Oh well. Even still "couponing" is a work in progress.

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