
Target 3/21 - 3/27

I really don't see a whole lot going on at Target this week, but there's a couple of good deals you can pick up if you're heading there anyway.

Connect Four - $7
Use $4 off HERE
Stack with Target $3 off HERE
Total = FREE

Monopoly Board Game - $7
Use $5 off HERE
Total = $2

Battleship - $9
Use $4 off HERE
Stack with Target $3 off HERE
Total = $2

Sobe LifeWater - $1
Buy 10 get a $5 Giftcard
Stack with Target $.50 off HERE
Total - $7 out of pocket, plus get a $5 gift card
Net Total = $2
(* note, if you have more than one computer, you could potentially print more coupons)

REnew Standard Pillow - $2.54
Use $1.50 off HERE
Total = $1.04
Last week's deals on the AirWick, Dial Soap and possibly some others are still going on as well.

Also, last week at Target, it seems like they decided to officially pull the "Johnson's Buddies Soaps" from being part of the baby products. You most likely won't be able to use those $1 off Johnson's coupons anymore so be prepared. However, there are some other items, like Johnson's Baby Cotton Swabs for about $1 you should be able to use those coupons on.

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