
Mega Swagbucks Friday!

Just a reminder it's Mega Swag Bucks Friday! What does that mean? When you search online through Swagbucks today you will have a chance at winning higher than average bucks! You can then turn these Swagbucks in for all kinds of prizes, my favorite are the giftcards to Amazon.com.

You just have to remember to USE the search engine and that is IT!

Not a member of Swagbucks yet? It is an easy, fun, and you don't have to do anything you're not already doing. Searching online. Sign up HERE and you'll earn 30 Swagbucks for joining, or for a more in depth explanation, you can read about it HERE.

I don't know what was going on yesterday, but I won 50 swagbucks throughout the day! And I probably only searched for 7 or 8 things! Hopefully today is even better!

Search & Win

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