
A Big Fat Thank You!

Seriously, thank you!

I know this blog is supposed to be about saving money, and we'll get there this week, but I'm continuing to be amazed at how much fun this really is. I've loved hearing the stories of what "you" have saved and the deals and scenarios you have come up with. I can't wait to hear a month from now, when the you truly start to see the benefits adding up and when it's becoming easier and quicker to utilize "the system".

I'm learning everyday too as I do this, and I truly am trying to only put the best of the best on this blog. I want everything to be "doable." Not a lot of extra fluff, but my goal is that EVERY single post would hopefully be beneficial. Even if it's just 15 seconds of your time to get a free sample!

Today I'll be getting to this week's Target deals so you'll want to come back this afternoon for that. However, I have to go there first to make sure all the deals actually work! My other goal for this blog is to be completely legitimate and realistic. I see all kinds of "deals" out there and often times I'm disappointed when they don't actually work out whether the prices are incorrect, the coupon links are long expired, the "rewards" are not accurate or the "deal" requires you to have 4 copies of a Sunday paper(!).

So my commitment to those of you who read my blog (and please give your friends my blog address if you know anyone who would like it!), is that I actually do everything I post. Every single thing. If for whatever reason, I haven't done it myself, I will be sure to note it. Otherwise, I put my personal (whatever weight that has!) guarantee on it.

**note: I have noticed that every now and then I post a deal scenario and I happen to look back it days later and the coupons are gone or it has expired, my hope is that you take advantage as soon as possible so this doesn't happen to you!**

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