
Shutterfly - FREE, FREE oh ya, and FREE!

Shutterfly has a few deals going on right now. I'll do my best to explain each one. You do have to pay for shipping on these ones, but if you need to get a lot of prints, it works out to a pretty good deal.

If you still haven't signed up, sign up here for your first FREE 50 Prints. (One account per email address). I believe shipping is $3.99 on 50 prints.

25 FREE PRINTS - EXPIRES TODAY! (Sorry, I should have posted sooner!)
--prints are free, it's $2.49 for shipping. Just under 10cents a print. Not fantastic, but definitely not bad
  • Once you are signed in, go to the MY ACCOUNT link at the top of the page
  • Scroll down to ENTER SPECIAL OFFER CODE under Special Offers
  • Enter in 25FREEPRINTS in box
  • Go to MY SPECIAL OFFERS to see offer added into your account

60 FREE PRINTS - Create a Share Site - Expires March 10th
--Shipping is $3.99 for 60 prints or $2.49 for 30 prints, that's just over $.06/print - $.08/print
  • Click on "Share" button in the middle of the top menu to get started
  • Create a Share Site to earn the first 30 Free prints (This can literally take one minute or less if you don't care about the page elements and just want your prints.)
  • Post a Video to a share site to earn the second set of 30 Prints -- Just go to your share site and look for "Click to Add Videos". You can then search YouTube or add one from any URL. (Again, this is all pretty quick if you don't really care and just want your prints)
You should receive your credits (look in your account under special offers) by the beginning of the next week and you have until March 26th to redeem them.

So all together, if you do all offers - the 50, the 25, and the 60 prints- you will pay $10.47 for shipping which works out to just over 7 cents per print.

When you have extra time on Shutterfly, I suggest creating a photobook and saving it to your account. These take a little bit more time because of course you want them to look nice. Shutterfly will release coupons for free books a few times a year and if you have one ready to go, it makes things much easier.


**you might want to check your email and/or try this code as well: PRINTS
If your account is eligible, you will receive 75 FREE PRINTS. Not every account is eligible, only those that received the email.**

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