
Groceries for 2/17-2/23

I just wanted to briefly explain the reason I choose what I do to post on my blog. I'm simply posting the deals that I see as best. Again, based on my personal preference and household needs. There are of course many other offers/deals available, but simply, I want to go shopping, have my receipt and know that every single deal I ever post on here really does work from firsthand experience. So with that said, here we go!

**Most coupons can be printed at least twice**
**Trouble printing "Bricks" coupons or any other coupons? Check HERE or ask me for more explanation**
**Prices and coupon policies based on Arizona Grocery stores**

*Remember, every coupon is worth at least $1!

Betty Crocker Brownies - $.89
Use $.50 off HERE
Total = FREE

Betty Crocker Cake Mix - $.89
Use $.75 off HERE
Total = FREE

Lunchable Subs - $1.99, Buy 1 Get 1
Use 2 $.75 off HERE
Total = 2 FREE

Right Guard Deodorant - $1.00
Use $2 off 2 HERE, HERE (and/or load to Safeway card HERE)
Total = 2 FREE

Crest Toothpaste - $.99
Use $.75 from 1/17 P&G
and/or Use $.75 from 2/7 P&G
Total = FREE

Cheerios - $2
Use $1.00 off HERE and HERE
Total = $1.00

Betty Crocker Frosting - $1.39
Use $.50 off HERE
Total = $.39

Campbell’s Chicken Noodle or Tomato - $.50
Use $.40/4 from 1/3 SmartSource
Total =$.25 each

Cinnamon Toast Crunch - $2
Use $1.00 off 2 HERE and HERE
-and/or if you were lucky enough to grab the $.55 off 1 last month
Total = $1.00 - $1.50 per box

Kraft 24 Slice Cheese Singles - $1.49
Must use in-ad coupon (found by door)
Use $1/2 from 11/15
Total = $.99 each

Red Barron Single Serves - $1.99
Must use in-ad coupon
Use $1 from 1/17 SmartSource
(or if you printed from coupons.com last month)
Total = $.99

Nature Valley Granola Bars - $1.50 (Saturday & Sunday Only)
Use $.40 off 1 HERE and/or HERE
Total =$.50 after coupon

Rice or Pasta Roni - $.75 (Saturday & Sunday Only)
Use $1/3 from 1/3 RedPlum
Total =$.42 each

**also note, boneless chicken breast on sale for $1.88/lb and 93% lean ground beef on sale for $1.99/lb*

*you will RARELY see my update on Basha's, most of their prices tend to be quite a bit higher, even with sales and coupons, but I found a few worthwhile this week. Basha's Doubles coupons.*

Buy 5 participating items, save $3 - Must Use IN-AD Coupon
Prices below are based on buying 5

Quaker Oats (instant or regular) - $1.39
Use $1.00 off HERE and HERE
Total = $.39 each

Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix - $1.39
use $1 off 2 from 1/3
Total = $.89 each

Chewy Granola Bars - $1.39
Use $1 off 2 HERE
and/or $.75 off 2 from 2/14 RedPlum
Total = $.89 each

*also note, bananas on sale for $.39/lb

to be continued......

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