
Wow! 2000!

Wow, I have now had 2,000 hits on this blog since it's official launch exactly 1 month ago. And in fact, it wasn't until a week or two after that date that I actually let the word out that I even had a blog.

Thank you so much (again) for reading! It's hard to believe this is actually working!

My site name and URL will be changing this weekend so look for that. (However, you can come directly to this web address and you'll be automatically redirected.)

I've been tweaking the html on the format and although it's a long journey ahead, hopefully I can continue to improve it and add the new features I'm looking forward to.

So for now, I'm committed to being at my computer and updating whatever deals I see that are truly worthy of being posted. Every deal I post is one I have gotten first hand. (Which is why it takes a little bit to get the grocery stores and other retailers up each week.) So if you have a question or can't find a particular deal, please let me know and I'll help you out!

More to come...much more to come.

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